Safe Mercury Removal
Safe Mercury Removal

Over time, cavities can wear down, crack, fall out and need replacement. If you are older there is a chance you have amalgam fillings. Our dentists will take several precautions as older amalgam fillings often contain mercury. To safely remove them and prevent releasing mercury into our offices, our SMART Certified dentists follow a Safe Mercury Removal Protocol.

What is a Mercury Safe Removal Protocol?

At SmileUp Dentistry we follow guidelines for removing amalgam fillings. If an amalgam filling needs removing because it’s broken or cracked, our dentists at SmileUp Dentistry use a dental dam so that the tooth is isolated and prevents any filling from getting into the mouth. We also cover the patient’s hair and exposed skin to keep small pieces of the filling and vapors from falling onto our patient. We take these precautions because mercury, and other materials, can be easily absorbed through the skin.

Our dentists carefully remove amalgam fillings in chunks to prevent the mercury in them from being vaporized. We use plenty of water during the procedure to reduce the likelihood of mercury causing harm. Our dentists use the recommended ozone water, which helps reduce bacteria in tooth and gums.

Our air purification system is always on during this procedure to help cleanse the air and remove mercury particulates in it. They rinse the tooth and immediate area with activated charcoal, or chlorella, to remove any mercury left in the tooth. Finally, the patient receives 100 percent oxygen through a nasal canula or hood to prevent breathing in any trace of mercury.

Our SMART certified dentists at SmileUp Dentistry also cover themselves with protective clothing, eyewear, and head coverings to protect exposure to mercury. After safely removing the amalgam, we can reseal your tooth with composite resins, a mercury-free substance.

Why is Mercury Handled Carefully?

Mercury is a dangerous substance that can poison humans and other living beings if mishandled. It is the number one neurotoxin on the planet and can have dire consequences if touched or breathed in.

Dental amalgam fillings are approximately 50% mercury and over time the mercury vapor is emitted from these fillings and absorbed in the body.

This video, from a lecture at the University of Calgary, discusses Alzheimer’s type nerve degeneration and exposure to mercury, as an example of the dangers of mercury on our health.

Although there is evidence showing how mercury in amalgam fillings is dangerous, the United States Food and Drug Administration found there is not enough evidence to show that mercury in fillings should be limited.

Fortunately, our dentists care about your oral health and part of our holistic approach we offer safe alternatives to amalgam fillings. We make fillings from other materials, like composite resins, that are safe and match the color of teeth. Our dentists at SmileUp Dentistry are SMART Certified and follow protocols to remove amalgam fillings if they believe they have mercury in them.

Please contact our office if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment to replace your older fillings.

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